
Saturday, March 26, 2011

My VAMPIRE by Cybervamp Stevens -Francine



Groovie Ghoulies - (She's My) Vampire GIrl

The Black Belles - What Can I Do?

My blog...i will post updates on writing and on the film...
This will be my "Cyber"? journal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.. alone??????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

//Zombie Girl - Creature of the Night

//Freaks - The Creeps

//People in planes- VAMPIRE-

//ARCHIE KING - He's a Vampire

//Jonathan Richman - Vampire Girl

//Vampire Beach Babes - Gothic Surf-a-rama

//Bloodsucking Zombies from Outer Space - Countess Dracula

//Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs -Little Red Riding Hood

//Blood sucking Zombies from outer Space - Draculas Cadillac

//Bloodsucking Zombies-Blood On Satans Claw(UNCENSORED)


francine S. said...on February 1, 2011 12:36 PM
lol..i had a nightmare last night about the sword they gave me....I wasn't happy with it..LMAO!!
I'm gonna use my own the film....

francine S. said...on February 1, 2011 11:20 PM
I just realized this evening that this character,
I am developing is part of my subconscious...
an embodiment of my existence...
i know that it was in plain didn't hit me until I got to a scene i was starting to write..
i was taken back a little..because I know ...that I can share many of my own real life experiences with the can be emotionally draining ...but worth it i guess...
Charles Dickens > quotes..."You are part of my existence, part of myself...You have been the embodiment of every graceful fancy that my mind has ever become acquainted with....but remain part of my character, part of the little good in me, part of the evil."

francine S. said...on February 6, 2011 10:32 PM
I am writing as much as I can work got deleted off of my laptop
when i reformatted....a month a ago...

I am getting restless again...I'd rather be on a film project right now,,,
the last music video I did was a month ago and it's still getting edited...
all i have is writing and up coming photo-shoot for a San Francisco magazine...
maybe more music vids..

francine S. said...on February 8, 2011 9:08 AM
path is getting clear......sights on a birth of
a vampire...from the depths of my mind!!!!!
embodiment of my pain, fear , laughter....
may this vampire be eternalize...let forever be...

francine S. said...on February 8, 2011
no tear or pain in my life was ever in vain i will take what you thought made me weak and show you my strenth....

francine S. said...on February 23,2011
why must ...I always feel like the one from the outside looking in???
watching everyone else live, waiting to get inspired

My blog...i will post updates on writing and on the film...
This will be my "Cyber"? journal ..through my journey.... i'm not really alone??????

francine S. said...on February 1, 2011 12:36 PM
lol..i had a nightmare last night about the sword they gave me....I wasn't happy with it..LMAO!!
I'm gonna use my own the film....

francine S. said...on February 1, 2011 11:20 PM
I just realized this evening that this character,
I am developing is part of my subconscious...
an embodiment of my existence...
i know that it was in plain didn't hit me until I got to a scene i was starting to write..
i was taken back a little..because I know ...that I can share many of my own real life experiences with the can be emotionally draining ...but worth it i guess...
Charles Dickens > quotes..."You are part of my existence, part of myself...You have been the embodiment of every graceful fancy that my mind has ever become acquainted with....but remain part of my character, part of the little good in me, part of the evil."

francine S. said...on February 6, 2011 10:32 PM
I am writing as much as I can work got deleted off of my laptop
when i reformatted....a month a ago...

I am getting restless again...I'd rather be on a film project right now,,,
the last music video I did was a month ago and it's still getting edited...
all i have is writing and up coming photo-shoot for a San Francisco magazine...
maybe 2 more vids....

francine S. said...on February 24, 2011 12:5I got to show my kids my notes for the vampire movie..i think they are more excited about then i am....most of the time i feel so ....faded...........
have no interest in anything......just watch them all...and write....
writing mode kicks in and pulls me away from my painful reality.
good thing i have this project, i couldn't be more grateful...during this time in my life...
i hide behind the vampire...which is's better than being me.
some people can not separate....fiction and real life....
there were 3 bratty girls standing in front of the movie theater , and they said ...oh it's cyber...she looks different from all her pictures....well yeah you dumb ass bitches....
i was on my way to visit my kids, i'm gonna look different,,,duh!!!
Im going to dress nice and wear less make-up....not going to walk in there like some street trash!

francine S. said...on February 24, 2011 10:23
I can be cynical, and most of the time I choose to be distant from people....
when i'm in social mode....I will smile and joke to show that..I still my humor.
I have my amore on ...but don't ever tell me that i am hateful!!!!!

francine S. said...on March 26, 2011 4:19 pm
So much writing getting done ...I will soon work on trans- scripts to practice lines for ...happy it's moving along .....working on the story line as well.

francine S. said...on April 30, 2011 1:04 am

Oh...where did the time go?...finally got over... from being sick around my birthday in March...
been spoiled rotten ...for about a month...or so.....did all my seasonal shopping for clothes, got my hair done, my nails ...etc....look great ...feel wonderful.....
inspired to write more scenes for the Vampire film.
I'm still looking into"Kendo'(剣道 kendō?), meaning "Way of The Sword", is a modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional samurai swordsmanship, or kenjutsu.[2] Kendo is a physically and mentally challenging activity that combines strong martial arts values with sport-like physical elements.Got a call from an agent from San Francisco/Los Angeles ..this week....for modeling and they want me to do a reading from their monologues....for a part they had me in mind for in Los Angeles....I hope this agent works interview is in a couple of!!...I'm excited!!!

francine S. said...on May 14, 2011

//Marilyn Manson - Leave A Scar

//God Module - Still so Strange;

//Evils Toy ~ Forever?!

//God Module - Corpses (A Zombie Love Song)

//Panzer AG Machinegun GoGo

//♥ Bella&Edward's Story ♥ - Twilight part 1 - ♫ E.T. ♫ Katy Perry

//Echoes Of Eternity-Voices In A Dream

//Psyclon Nine - As you sleep

Pzychobitch - Master of Myself

Game of Pain - DRC

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Believing i will get there is just the beginning and having faith is the true test of all things!

Believe it or not it is work....lot's of hard write.Especially,as presently I am faced with many difficulties in my own life, but all things will pass,
and the writing will be done...the movie will be is my goal to finish writing and prepare for this film.Believing i will get there is just the beginning and having faith is the true test of all things!

//Crocodiles - "Sleep Forever"

//BLUTENGEL - The Lost Children // The Cult

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


//Blutengel - I'm Dying Alone //God module lets go Dark

Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl

"Walk Like A Zombie"

She's a Vamp

Scary Bitches - Hey Mr. Vampyre

//Misfits - Vampira

//The Misfits: Vampire Love

Switchblade Symphony - Clown

Slept So Long

Faith and the muse - The silver circle

Korn - System (Queen Of Damned)

The Sisters Of Mercy - Marian


created by cybervamp lost boys revenge Pictures, Images and Photos

Created by cybervamp     lost boys Pictures, Images and Photos


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Independent film....VAMPIRE.......shooting soon..fall 2011

not mine owo Pictures, Images and Photos

lines Pictures, Images and Photosast summer seems like a lifetime ago to me.
With so many changes that has happened in my life in the last year...has been tremendous and there is no going back. It's sometimes feel frustrating and heart wrenching, when friends tell me ...well, at least you still have the movie to look forward to. Most of the time, I have to admit it has been hard on focusing on writing
and developing the character for the movie "Eye of noor".
It has been an honor from the start to be part of it...I will continue with what I know and move forward with it. First, I wanted to share my love of writing with you.
Growing up with an older sister, we often entertained ourselves by writing funny sketches , we believed we belonged on Saturday night
we also wrote funny make each other laugh...drove my mom crazy of course!!
I did well with creative writing classes as well...teachers always commented you should really get into writing more...of course being the kid in a leather jacket in class just smirked at the teacher hoping she wouldn't say any more.
I also did well in science which later took interest in computer science and became a software testing engineer. As far as writing I wrote poetry and went to readings also known as spoken word. For the writing funny sketches ,almost had a spot with a local
T.V. in San Jose, But I went on with working as an engineer for Oracle. My interest
in films and "acting" almost happened as an accident...really!!! I was a goth kid just hanging out at the cafe where I read my poetry and often did performance art as well...there i was approached by director/ producer Judy Boots , she from Los Angeles,CA...she invited me to her casting call....I was surprised of course...i was just playing chess and having coffee with some friends...she had a room full of people to choose from..really...I never expect good things to happen... for me..not really. I smiled at her after she had invited me to a casting call for a vampire movie...only because i thought ..oh ok...she picked me because I was dressed gothic...but again there was a room full of people who were also gothic looking....
She said I had a look she was looking for..she handed me her card and asked me to be she walked away with her card in my hand i was like shocked and excited....I did show up to her casting call ...after i got off my engineering job,
which was no problem ...I was going to meet up with my gothic dj friends later that evening in a long gothic dress....she loved the dress,,it looked victorian era....
she handed me the script and I went to a far cornor of the room and read it and got ready to read it to her....when it was my turn she just loved me...Judy and I became good friends during the filming of her film I picked her brain about directing and producing it seemed far more interesting then acting to
She ran out of funds for the Independent film and decided to pack it up and go back to LA....I took a job with Oracle as a engineer.
But, it always haunted me..I had a million what ifs....only if I had another chance....I would totally do a vampire once again.I share my love for classic films with my children ...but i do not try to influence them to be anything like me.
I also share my love of writing with them throughout the years and I feel that's a good thing.

My 2nd chance....
last year when it all began...I found some local film students and local musicians who had invited me to part for their projects for school...after they told me that their teacher graduated the same year from film school with George Lucas,
and the teacher had also shared that he was George Lucas best friend and still in touch today..well...i was impressed they had him for a teacher...and wanted to support local art.
I began with the school projects and underground music videos...this year is the last year the film students will be around....they will be moving to Los Angeles with jobs they already have lined up....I love learning their concepts when I ask them ...
"what is it about??" and what inspired you??? they just love to share their idea's and their dreams with me....I find it refreshing to be part of them. I will certainly
miss them when they are gone...this summer...I am happy for them and I am very proud of them.
I knew "J" when he was 13 yrs old...i ran into him now as a film student with his Girlfriend who is also a film student...who I also worked with..mainly her projects...she is a brilliant visual art student from Japan..she is just awesome..
she has an edge...just wow!!
Then I got asked to have a phone interview with LARTU Communications & Media and Myelin Productions....i had 3 interviews...and share the same concepts of the vampire
history and we were on the same page...I was offered a supporting role and as a writer to develop my at last my 2nd chance has arrived and bonus I get to write yay!!

I have wrote and revised many times already since I started last summer....which is part of the process with writing and developing characters.
It has become a stronger character....more solid then from when i started...I must admit I'm glad I revised and had lots of else will this vampire character going to come to life. It's amazing where my mind goes when i get inspired....from the real life turns into fantasy. That's the great thing about writing I can always
escape reality....since my is where I dread to be...i have other things that pulls me
out for just a little while.... which i truly appreciate...but, I do take care of my responsibilities when I'm back in the real world.

I had other amateur writing experience...for another company...
but mainly children short stories unpublished.
just because I am an amateur doesn't mean that I'm not serious...because
I am very serious about writing.
I am very grateful that I am given an opportunity to write for an Independent film...
I am very humble about this film and always will be humble and down to earth ....
my grandma used to say's better to be humble and down to earth or else someone will put you in your place...I don't want that there u
by no means ..I am not a stuck up, egotistical, prissy "actress" from California...
not at all, that's why I choose to work with Independent Film productions...the
creative flow is still there with the intensity and drive that is in it's raw form.
A true desire to express.

As the same for supporting role...I also take it very seriously...
I go as far as physically training for my part and will start some other training as
sword fighting and other activities to get me ready for my role.
You would be surprised how physical acting can really be...some scenes can take hours to can look as simple as fighting ..but believe me when you filmed for 5 to 8 hours just to get that scene just right it can be physically really many people think...well..oh it's just a sword fight
swords can start to feel very heavy after holding it and lifting it into action for a fighting scene for hours...I will be prepared and will go to every extent to make sure I deliver the performance as directed.
I take my work seriously.

Dracula Children Of The Night Bela Lugosi Vampire Vampires Count Dracula icon icons emoticon emoticons animated animation animations gif gifs Happy Halloween Pictures, Images and Photos

What it means to me to have a role as a vampire....
I can share a hundred of my silly thoughts on this...but I can just tell you that
since I was 5 years old I always sneeked to the T.V late Friday nights to tune in to creature features.. all the classic Bela Lugosi...and many more...
Bela is long gone now but his legacy continues forever as that awesome vampire...
Role of a vampire is naturally timeless...instant immortality without asking the audience to make the vampire immortal....ageless..time can't touch.
I wouldn't mind leaving that behind when I'm long and gone someday.....
for everyone to remember me as something That I had a chance to be part of....for all time to keep.
When ,I'm done filming with the vampire film I will be satisfied just to know, that I can look back at my life and say ..I did something

Happy Drac GIF Pictures, Images and Photos

Believing in vampires as a
I got in trouble for watching Vampires late at night as a 5 year old kid....
I used to leave my window open every night.
One night my Grandma finally asked me why do you always leave the window open everynight???....It's getting very cold!!
I remember telling her.."NO!..don't close the window!!"
She would ask me why??
I remember telling her that I was waiting for them to come for me!
She asked ..who??
I remember telling her.."The vampires!!"...I want to be just like them....they have to come for me...I would be a great vampire grandma!!
I really believe they were waiting for me somewhere!!
and in my heart I know i was going to be a vampire..even while she scold me for wanting to be a vampire,,she said they were evil...she was a catholic old ears went deaf to her as she told me me stuff about god ....and vampires don't go...and I held on the fact I had real desires to be a vampire...that no one can take from me.

Dream Pictures, Images and Photos

Same dreams as a
I've always been fascinated movie hosts
like Creature Features Host Bob Wilkins,,,
Horror Show Hosts on Television - Cassandra Peterson as Elvira, Mistress of the Dark - MOVIE MACABRE.
Zomboo's House of Horror Movies : The World's Best Horror Host Around! took a picture with my son when Skyler was only a month old.... I missed the opportunity last December of 2010...casting for a Creepy Kofy Tv host...
ahhh....I would of loved that job!!!!
Silly to most...but not to me,,they air Elvia an honor...!!!!
Maybe next time....the film student is gonna help me get a 5 to 10 mins clip of me hosting so next time I will submit it....

I love classic horror films..timeless....
The schmucks on the local TV around here has no respect for the classics will the classics
be preserved for the next generation to appreciate it????

Hey, I would love to hear everyone's thought on this blog ....I want to encourage
everyone to comment and ask questions or whatever...Thanks-CyberVamp

I spend lots of my time in solitude , reflecting and writing...always alone with my thoughts...I also spend time on research for writing on ancient vampire myths legends from different cultures from all over the world....lots of materials to read.
other time I have ...I spend with my kids and Hockey..that's about



cursed forever ...just like me:
"Dorian Gray Movie Trailer

james Pictures, Images and Photos

We are FEVER...we ain't born typical !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...♥

YOU WILL >>>>> NEVER UNDERSTAND >>>...............>ME!!!!!!!!

Duran Duran - Ordinary World

//The Beatles - Drive my Car

//FUCK like a star

//Lollipop Luxury


//Genitorturers - Touch Myself

//Doomsday Refreshment Committee - For You

//- Angelspit - 100 Percent- <3

//Psyclon Nine - We The Fallen

VAMPIRES EVERYWHERE! - Entry 4: Bleeding Rain (Track Premiere)

SOME: "MUSIC Videos" and short films......

*****//ïNZåNΣ - LAST BREATH-June 2010

****// Revenge-Nov.2100

****//"Love Lost" by Dave Dub & The Sutter Cain Gang's, a new single off the lp "Mind Police" on M9 Ent.-Feb.2011

Cyber's 2010 Christmas greetings #1...

Cyber's 2010 holiday greetings #2....
